If you’re one of the millions of dog dads who have a furry, four-legged “son,” Father’s Day Weekend is a time to celebrate with your canine family members! Though we often have many questions about our dog’s personality or ways to be the best pet parent possible, one thing is for certain: dogs remain a man’s best friend. After all, your dog is a loyal, trustworthy, “got-your-back” kind of buddy.
With respect to all the “dog moms” out there, for dad’s special day, we’re honoring the bond between a man and his dog. Here’s our list of top 10 reasons a dog will always be man’s best friend.
Unconditional Love
Our favorite furballs are always there to give their love – no questions asked. Whether you’ve had a long day at work and need a little puppy playtime or are simply chilling on the couch to watch your favorite film together, your dog is there to show you his love and support.
Hormonal Connections
When we say we can’t help but love our dogs, it’s true! A study featured in Science Magazine found that when humans and dogs look into each other’s eyes, both dog and human experience a surge of a hormone called oxytocin. This hormone is associated with feelings of trust and love, creating the strong bond between a dog dad and his buddy.
Welcoming Wags
If you run to the post office for five minutes and return home, you’re greeted at the door as if you’ve been gone for decades! Your best bud is always happy to see his favorite human no matter how long or short you’ve been away.
No Grudges
Unlike our human friends, a dog will never hold a grudge. Your dog won’t bring up something you did wrong in the past or be unforgiving that you left him home to go to work. He’ll continue to wag his tail, lick your face and love you as much today as he did yesterday.
Keeping Active
Dogs need daily exercise, and their dog dads do, too! Your dog’s boundless energy for exploring and playtime can keep you active and socializing alongside your pooch. Spending a good workout with your dog can help get your endorphins flowing, and help you lead a happier, healthier lifestyle.
Health Benefits
Though coming up with ways your dog has bettered your life may come at no hesitation, it’s proven your dog can have real positive impacts on your health, too. According to the Centers for Disease Control, owning and interacting with pets can reduce blood pressure and cholesterol and improve self-esteem. And the American Heart Association claims that having a pet—particularly a dog—can help lower your risk of heart disease. It seems only natural that dogs should hold such a special place in our hearts!
Pack Loyalty
It’s been said that a dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself – and it’s not just because he depends on you for food or shelter. Dogs are pack animals that instinctually show loyalty to those they believe are part of the pack. No matter what you are going through, your dog will be there at your side.
Playtime Pals
No time for a movie? No money for concert tickets? No problem! Your pooch has your evening’s entertainment covered. He’s always up for a game of Frisbee or catch. Just wrestling around is one of his favorite things to do! As long as he’s spending time with you, your dog will happily provide hours of free entertainment.
Brightening Our Days
Say you’ve had a long, boring day – or a terrible one. Your dog will cure those blues in seconds. With a few sloppy kisses and tail wags, your furry friend will have you smiling!
Protector and Defender
Not all dogs are trained to act as guard dogs. But if you have one, you know that he will have your back anytime, anywhere. Dogs can sense threats humans can’t and are always at the ready, willing to jump in and protect their pet parents anytime they need it. It can be comforting to know our furry friends are always looking out for us and our family members – especially during times we aren’t able to look out for ourselves.
Give Love Back to Your Furry Best Friends
Our dogs find countless ways to make us feel safe, entertained, and loved unconditionally. Most importantly, our dedicated dog dads will do anything to show this love in return! For more fun facts and pet parenting tips to help care for your four-legged family members year round, Join our Best Friends Club today.