Dog Training Video Tip: Building the Bond

We all get that great feeling of excitement and satisfaction when our dogs learn new tricks and obedience behaviors. Whether it is the basics (sit, lay down, stay, off) or the party pleasers (shake hands, roll over, give a kiss, play dead), teaching our dogs new things keeps them feeling happy, loved, and special.

Bil-Jac presents training tips with TV Show Host and Professional Animal Trainer Joel Silverman. Watch our quick training tip video below and in 2 minutes, you and your best friend will be on your way to success!

Build a Relationship with Your Pup First

One of the most common mistakes dog parents make is that they train their dog before they have taken the time to build a relationship with them. Successful dog trainers know that when your dog wants to please you and make you happy, training is so much easier!

The first 30 days are crucial to your forever relationship and bond with your new best friend. In this first month, you should focus on the following 3 simple steps with your best friend:

  1. Getting to Know Your Dog
  2. Developing a Relationship
  3. Building the Trust

1. Getting to Know Your Dog

Take a week to find out what your dog likes and does not like! Try rewarding your pup with a variety of Bil-Jac treats, and try playing with different toys and balls. Discover if they like to go on walks or sleep in certain areas of the house. See how and where they like to be scratched and rubbed.  We all know that as humans, we don’t always like everything. Well, the same goes for our dogs. There may be certain objects or activities that they just do not care for. After taking about a week to complete this first phase, you can move onto the next step in building the bond.

2. Developing a Relationship

Build a relationship in phase two by incorporating the things your dog likes into your everyday routine, while eliminating the things your best friend doesn’t care for.

3. Building the Trust

Building trust comes in this last phase. If you’ve already followed steps one and two, then your dog should be eager to please and impress you. Your dog is going to look forward to being around you by this point because a stronger relationship has been built! Once this step happens, it’s time to train your dog.

Remember through these training tip videos, always let your dog know you are very proud of them; they’ll love the fact that you are so pleased when they practice positive behaviors. That enthusiasm will make them want you to learn even more!


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