The Scottish Deerhound needs plenty of exercise and room to run. If your Scottish Deerhound runs away, you may not be able to catch it - they are fast. This breed is somewhat inactive indoors and can be a good inside dog if enough exercise is provided. A large yard is recommended. Scottish Deerhound tend to make good jogging partners.
The Scottish Deerhound's long shaggy, wiry coat is surprisingly easy to care for, a weekly brushing should keep it in good shape.
Quiet, gentle, dignified, loving and loyal, the Scottish Deerhound may be slow to learn. Training can be difficult. This breed needs consistent and early training.
Excellent with children. Tends to chase other animals. Other smaller, non-canine animals not recommended.
Bred in the Middle Ages to hunt deer with Scottish nobility, you had had to be at least an Earl to own this dog. It as a courageous hunter and related to the Greyhound.
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