The Doberman will need a confined space to run because it is an extremely energetic breed. Daily walking or jogging will not be enough to satisfy your Doberman's exercise needs.
No special grooming requirements.
The Doberman is an alert guard dog, as well as energetic, sensitive companion. These dogs respond better to praise, rather than discipline. Because Dobermans tend to be aggressive, especially with other dogs, early socialization is necessary. If raised properly, Dobermans normally get along well with children and can be extremely sweet and submissive. Avoid playing aggressive games with your Doberman and be sure to attend obedience training for the best temperament.
Normally gets along well with children
The Doberman originated when Louis Doberman, a German tax collector, set out to develop a watchdog to accompany him on his rounds. This breed is a cross of the German Shepherd and German Pinscher, as well as the Weimaraner, Rottweiler, Greyhound and Manchester Terrier.
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