The Schipperke requires little to moderate exercise. This breed will be a good apartment dog if provided with regular walks and runs. The ideal setting for this breed is a fenced yard.
Weekly brushing needed for your Schipperke, more often during shedding time. Dry shampoo if necessary.
Bright, high-spirited, curious, independent, active, agile and stubborn. The Schipperke tend to be a territorial breed that loves to howl and bark at strangers. This dog can be difficult to train due to a short attention span. Obedience classes can be helpful.
Excellent with kids. Should do well with other animals.
This breed dates back to the 17th Century in the Flemish provinces of Belgium. It descends from the black sheepdog "Leauvenaar." It was originally used to hunt vermin and was important to seafarers to catch rats. The breed was also used as a watchdog."
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