Rat terriers need good exercise. They can get it through indoor play but prefer going on walks or outside playtime.
Rat Terriers have a smooth, short, dense coat that does not need a lot of upkeep. Weekly they should be brushed with a hound glove or soft brush, and they should be bathed monthly. Rat terriers shed seasonally, during their shedding season it is helpful to use a shedding tool or rubber curry brush to help remove loose hair. Nails should be trimmed monthly, and ears should be checked weekly for debris or excess earwax.
Rat Terriers are loving and loyal breed with a strong hunting instinct. It is important to socialize them early and training classes are recommended. They are very playful, fun-loving companions and are great with children.
This breed is a mix of the Smooth Fox Terrier, Beagle and Italian Greyhound developed in the 1890s. Rat Terriers were bred to rid farms of vermin, mostly rats. They were also used at hunting partners, henhouse guards, watchdogs, and playmates.
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