The Newfoundland will be lazy if left to its own devices. Moderate exercise, such as walk and play, are required to help this breed stay fit and trim. This dog generally likes to swim.
Regular brushing is required to keep your Newfoundland's shedding under control. Occasional dry shampooing is recommended.
This breed is intelligent, good-natured, and "almost human." The Newfoundland is a gentle giant, but may be aggressive with other male dogs. This breed generally gets along with female dogs and small pets. The Newfoundland loves children and will be extremely protective of them (and adults). If a family member is threatened, the Newfoundland is likely to place itself between the intruder and the person being threatened. This breed is sociable and wants to be with people all of the time, especially when outdoors.
Excellent choice for kids, but supervise play to avoid accidental injury.
The exact origins of the Newfoundland are unknown, but it is suspected that it could descend from a cross of native Canadian Hounds, the now-extinct Greater St. John's Dog, the Labrador Retriever and / or the Tibetan Mastiff. The resulting breed was favored by fisherman in Newfoundland because it was adept at swimming and retrieving. These dogs would help fishermen retrieve nets and other items from the water. Today, the Newfoundland is a popular companion and is used in some countries as an official water rescue dog.
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