Due to its coursing nature, The Lurcher requires frequent exercise, including coursing activities, running or play in fenced area (invisible fence suggested).
No special grooming requirements.
This breed is gentle and affectionate toward people. As a pack hound, the Lurcher gets along well with other dogs. However, the breed is not always suitable for homes with cats and other small pets. Its coursing instincts may surface and cause the dog to chase and / or injure smaller pets. While the Lurcher is a quick study at obedience, the breed is known as a "Houdini" of the canine world. This breed can escape fast -- and run away even faster. Lurchers, like many sighthounds, are able to jump even the tallest fences. Invisible fences are an absolute necessity when owning this breed. Lurchers are not suitable for urban living due to its extreme need for exercise. The breed is best suited for an active family that spends a lot of time outdoors."
Prefers active children and will grow bored with kids that would rather watch TV than go outside.
This breed was developed by Irish and British who wanted a dog that could help poach rabbits and other small game. The name "Lurcher" is derived from the word "lur" ("thief") in the Romany language. Over time both short- and long-haired varieties emerged when Greyhounds were crossed with Collies or Terriers to develop the breed."
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