The Labradoodle needs long daily walks. This breed enjoys running and playing in a fenced yard.
The Labradoodle has a curly coat that requires regular brushing every 2 - 3 weeks. Professional grooming is recommended 2 - 3 times a year.
Sociable, clever and intelligent. The Labradoodle is friendly and non-aggressive toward strangers. This breed is obedient and quick to learn unusual tasks that other dogs may refuse. This breed is excellent with children and, due to high trainability, makes an excellent service dog for the disabled and / or elderly. This breed requires strong authority from its owner, otherwise, it will try to outsmart you.
Good with children.
In 1989 an Australian breeder began crossing Labrador Retrievers and Poodles to develop a breed that would make a suitable service dog for people with allergies. These breeds were chosen due to the good temperament and gentleness of the Labrador and the extreme trainability and the non-shedding attributes of the Poodle. While the shedding / non-allergenic issue is still being refined, today's Labradoodles are already making great service dogs in Australia and Hawaii.
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