The Irish Setter should have a brisk walk or jog each day. Running free is best, if possible, in a large fenced area. Low activity levels will cause Irish Setters to become restless and unhappy.
Daily brushing is required for your Irish Setter
The Irish Setter is intelligent, responsive and high-spirited. Proper training is important with this breed due to its independent nature. The Irish Setter has a tendency to develop bad habits and poor manners. However, consistent training and exercise can make the Irish Setter easy and fun to own. The breed fits in well with children and other animals and is a superb hunting companion. Irish Setters make a reasonable watchdog, but they do not have much of a guarding instinct. In other words, they'll alert you, but probably not protect you.
Good with children.
The Irish Setter is a descendant of the Old Spanish Pointer and various setting Spaniels. Originally, the breed was white with chestnut spots. Over time, an all-red variety was developed through selective breeding. Today, both varieties are available, although the all-red version is more popular.
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