The Hovawart requires a long walk, romp, or play session every day. This breed does not do well in humid weather. The Hovawart well-suited as a companion for hiking and backpacking trips, as it is adept at walking and running on rocky, uneven terrain.
No special grooming requirements.
Reserved, pleasant and obedient. The Hovawart enjoys relaxing indoors, but is energetic outside. While devoted to the entire family, the Hovawart tends to be a "one-person" dog and will single out a favorite person to form a strong bond with. Its protective nature makes it a good watchdog, but some strains of the breed may become timid or prone to fear biting. Also, the Hovawart becomes attached to its home and property, it is not likely that this breed will stray from home. "
Generally good with kids, but dogs that are prone to fear biting should be gradually introduced to new children and pets. Play should be supervised.
Inspired by Germany's "Hofwarth" guarding dog of the Middle Ages, the Hovawart was recreated in the early 1900s by crossing select farm dogs from the Black Forest and Hartz Mountain with the German Shepherd, Newfoundland and Kuvasz. The original Hofwarth was used for guarding livestock and property. It was also used in early law enforcement, tracking thieves so they could be brought to justice. Today, the recreated Havawart is still used for guarding and also excels at tracking / search and rescue. "
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